Sunday, 18 November 2018

Citrix 15. Citrix Fixes – XenServer

Citrix Fixes – XenServer


A list containing the majority of Citrix XenServer support articles collated to make this page a one stop place for you to search for and find information regarding any issues you have with the product and its related dependencies.


The page is updated daily with new support articles and information. Articles will change from time and if information here is outdated or incorrect please let me know using the comments. Links may also expire or change so if you find broken links, please again let me know. For each issue, known product versions affected are recorded however that does not mean product versions that aren’t listed are not affected.

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Brief Description of IssueBrief Description of FixApplicable Product Versions Affected (if known)Link to supplemental Support Article(s)A XenServer 6.2 to 7.1 upgrade fails with "[Errno 28] No space left on device:'/tmp/backup-rORnXu/.xen-backup-partition'".Find the folders with high inode usage, check which folders have a high number of files e.g. temporary files, and then delete the files from each folder. attempting to install XenTools you receive error "Your Tools ISO is on a broken SR, XenServer will attempt to fix it before proceeding. Do you wish to continue?". Within "xensource.log" is error "Storage_interface.Sr_not_attached".Search for stale/duplicate XenServer Tools Storage Repository by running command "xe sr-list name-label="XenServer Tools". If there are multiple entries, find each one with state "currently-attached (RO): false" and forget them. time is incorrect after changing the BIOS time.Make sure all XenServer hosts in the pool have identical NTP servrs specified. You may have to manually restart the "ntpd" service and then run a manual sync as explained in the CTX article. Machine cannot start with error "VDI is being used by another operation".Look for instances where the VBD is attached to other VMs as described in the CTX article. some high resolution monitors, the XenServer console does not display.Use an alternative monitor or connect remotely via SSH for example and edit the grub config file to edit the VGA section, as outlined in the CTX article. receive error "Internal error: Connection failed: no host resolved" when adding a new server to the pool.Reconnect XenCenter with the IP address of the pool master and then try again. a patch through XenCenter results in error "invalid_file". Trying to patch via CLI hangs.This is caused by no SR being elected as the default SR. Right-click on an SR and set it as default.Citrix XenServer 7.1. upgrading an HPSA driver XenServer can no longer boot. You see error "Kernel panic" on the XenServer console.Before upgrading the HPSA driver, add options "hpsa hpsa_allow_any=1" to "/etc/modprob.conf". importing a VHD into XenCenter you receive error "No local storage and no default storage: cannot import Transfer VM" on the XenServer console.Set a default SR for the pool in XenServer and then reinstall the Transfer VM using the steps provided in CTX article. Management Interface shows blank in the Nteworking tab on XenCenter and the pool Management Network bond shows as "unknown" after adding a host to the pool.Find and forget all NICs that are disconnected on both the master host and the host you just added.Citrix XenServer 7.1. selecting a Master Image during Machine Catalog creation you receive error "You must select a disk image with at least one network card",This can happen if you have a VM imported from a previous version of XenServer into a higher version. Create a diskless VM but do not start it. Detach the disk associated to the problematic VM and attach it to the newly created diskless VM. Create a Machine Catalog using this VM as the template. shows dom0 memory as 4GB after changing it to 32GB, even after a reboot.During reboot the XenServer was booting to "Trusted Boot" mode rather than "XenServer" mode. The Trusted Mode memory setting was set to 4GB. You configure the default XenServer boot mode to boot into "XenServer" mode as explained in the CTX article.Citrix XenServer 7.1. a host that has been removed from the pool, a red X displays beside the host name in XenCenter. When you issue a "xe host-forget" against the removed host you receive error "This host cannot be forgotten because there are some user VMs still running host".You need to determne which VMs are still running on the host and shut them down. This is done via CLI, following the CTX article steps. starting a virtual machine you receive error "Internal error: xenopsd internal error: Device.Ioemu_failed('vgpu exited unexpectedly')".If the ECC feature is enabled on a GRID K2 card (disabled by default), virtual GPU fails to start. vGPU is currently not supported with ECC active. Use "nvidia-smi" to list the status of all GPUs and then issue another nvidia-smi command to disable ECC on the culprit GPU as explained in the CTX article.NVIDIA GRID. using older NVIDIA drivers, XenServer experiences hanging or crashing.Update drivers to latest version from NVIDIA.Citrix XenServer 7.0. pointing XenServer to your license server you receive error "A license for XenServer could not be checked-out because the license server could not be reached at the given address and port. Please check the connection details and verify that the license server is running".Restart the XenServer toolstack, verify the time and date on affected XenServer host, make sure DNS settings are configured correctly so that the license server is resolvable, make sure the firewall is allowing connections. Machines fail to boot with error "No bootable device found".Check the position of the OS disk. The disk should be at position 0. This could also be an issue with the RAM on the physical XenServer host. The "mcelog" will contain any RAM related errors. starting multiple vGPU enabled Virtual Machines, the XenServer host crashes.This is caused by a feature (PML) introduced with Broadwell CPUs that has been adopted in Xen 4.6 and XenServer 7. As a workaround, disable PML via CLI on each host in the pool.Citrix XenServer 7.0. upgrading to XenServer Tools 7.0 you receive error "Windows Management Agent failed to install".Remove "XENBUS" and "XENVIF" keys from the registry using "psexec". Reoot and install the tools again. Server 2016 VM template is missing from XenServer 7.1.Create the template manually by running command "/usr/bin/create-guest-templates".Citrix XenServer 7.1. upgrading to XenServer 7.1, creating new or reattaching existing NFS storage repositories can fail.Install Hotfix "XS71E003".Citrix XenServer 7.1. may experience a system leak in "systemd" when using SSH.This is a known issue, due to a defect in systemd. Citrix have published a hotfix for XenServer 7.0 and the fix is part of 7.1 CU1.Citrix XenServer 7.0 and 7.1. an upgrade to XenServer 7.1, the hosts do not reconnect to storage.The PDB(s) are likely damaged and need recreated, by following steps from the CTX article. you try and remove a host from the pool you receive error "the SR.shared flag cannot be set to false while the SR remains connected to multple servers".The CTX article explains how destroying a PBD (Physical Block Device) will get around this issue. uploaded update package is invalid.This issue happens when the date on XenServer is older than the date of the "gpg" key. Synchronise the time by running "ntpdate -U 'NTP server IP'" as described in the CTX article.Citrix XenServer 7.1. adding Hardware HBA Storage through XenCenter you receive error "The SCSlid parameter is missing or incorrect".Upgrade XenCenter from to 7.12.5459.Citrix XenServer 7.1 LTSR CU1. 6.5 upgrade to 7.1 becomes stuck at 72%.The upgrade isn't actually stuck, it is trying to restore all your previous performance related information. Manually archive the files under "/var/xapi/blobs" and then proceed with the upgrade.Citrix XenServer 6.5. unexpectedly reboots due to multipath failovers on a Storage Repository.Download and apply patch "XS71ECU1007".Citrix XenServer 7.0, 7.1, 7.1 CU1.https://supp

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